Friday 16 June 2017

5 am thoughts

Today morning as I was praying, I realized something. Allah is who has created us. It is He who has given us life. We are there to serve him, to thank him for all the bounties. Yet we falter in that one thing expected of us. However, have you felt Him leaving your side? Never! As soon as you take a moment and call Him strumming the right chords of your heart, He is there. Sometimes, we don’t realise but He sails us through many tough situations .And we say, ”Thank God!!” as a reflex action rather than by deliberate intent. Many times we get hurt, we fail and we make mistakes. We also complain, ”Why me?”! We think that if God truly loved us, then He wouldn’t have made us go through this! Then after the storm passes and the worst is over, our vision clears and we feel the strength within us. We realise then what we didn’t earlier. We look back and see how the heat, the fire made us stronger, made us shine! The experiences we gather become like the alloys which make gold stand the test of time and therefore valuable.

I realised Allah is like a true leader. He has a destination ready for you. He knows where you will reach but He doesn’t tell you. He guides you, mentors you but never hand holds you. He lets you fail but does not abandon you. He waits patiently to watch you get up, gather your wits and again start the climb. He waits for you to ask for help and when it is asked he delivers the same. However, He may not deliver the solutions on a plate as we may like but He hides it in signs which we must decipher on our own.  Inspite of everything when we fail, He has our back. He carries us and takes care of us. I remember Miss Nandita Bir at this point. She was one of the beautiful teachers who took our value education classes in school. One of the things that she mentioned resonates in my mind even today. God is not someone to be scared of, He loves us. Our actions should be a result of our love for Him and not because of the consequences that we may face. Once that realization is in place, we will never falter and never fail our leader.

As an afterthought, I pondered as to why I equated Allah as a leader and not as parents! After all they love us the most. Yes, they love us blindly, unconditionally. They love us to a point where they will take the heat of the fire instead of us getting scorched. They will bleed if we get wounded. Our parents are a gift to us by God to pat us on our back, to ruffle the hair on our head and embrace us in love when we fall and tell us, “Its ok beta, try again later. Now eat and take rest.” And for some who are unfortunate to have no parents, He is there in some form or the other.
So, I will draw an end here. Couldn’t stop but pen my thoughts down and share with you. These are my personal reflections seen through the mirror which I see. The light reaching you may not be the same and therefore you may have a different perception. It is okay! Different colours make the rainbow and create a beautiful vision. Therefore, go ahead and express what you feel in a positive way and make the world a better place!

(Note: All pictures courtesy Google image)